Honor Roll of Community Partners

Principal’s Distinction—over $10,000

Dana Carmel Group, a blond professional woman sits with hands clasped

Valedictorian—up to $10,000

Realtor Keri Nicholas, a blond woman in a black blazer
Dulcy Freeman Realtor Group, a brunette lady smiling

Salutatorian—up to $3,000

Alexander Hoghooghi, MD, DDS professional headshot, a middle-aged man with dark hair

Alexander Hoghooghi, MD, DDS

Palo Alto Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

Ford Photography

Ford Photography casual shot of a middle-aged woman in a white tee-shirt, posing with her arms crossed
Ford Photography logo in black and orange

Honors—up to $1,500

Midpen Water Polo Club logo of a golden volleyball in water
Mid-Pen Water Polo Club